What's good about it: Everything. A great union of electronic and alternative sounds. Beautiful staccato vocals. A incredibly solid structure that keeps you entertained all the way through. I however do not believe that this album will better OK Computer (1997) or In Rainbows (2007) but I will keep an eye on Radiohead for the rest of the year. I have a feeling that there is still more to come for King of Limbs.
Now, what's wrong with it: Absolutely nothing. Except the fact that I have to wait till May for the Vinyls.
There will be a lot of negative and undeceive reviews about this album, much like with In Rainbows. People are scared to comment on Radiohead albums as they do not want to be proven wrong. There is nothing wrong with getting behind this album and interpreting it in any way you want to. It is an incredibly abstract record and, as always, Radiohead is a few years ahead of everything else in alternative music.
Stereo 8 Recommends: Undoubtedly